Monday, September 18, 2017

Aug. 31 "Understanding Comics" by Scott McCloud

     Reading “Understanding Comics” by Scott McCloud really helped me to see comics in a different perspective. In the comic it is stated, “…The more a cartoony a face is, the more people it could be said to describe!” is completely correct. When I read comics my eyes see what my mind imagines. Some comics are shown clearly detailed, others simplified and others are really simplified. The human mind is something that, even when given little detail, can make something completely different out of that image. We search for some sort of start and end, meaning, a purpose for that drawing or sense of identity. As quoted earlier “…something more is at work in our minds when we view a cartoon – especially of a human face – which warrants further investigation.” Our minds start to create our own character, and we start to question what we are really seeing, who are they, what are they, and what is their story? That face could have any identity for all we know! So imagination plays a huge part here when we are given just a few lines, that we know simply, as a face, but that is all we are ever going to see.  For example, we can see our own face if we look in the mirror correct? Though what we see in the mirror is not what our mind sees. We can see our friends in their reflection, but how we see them is completely different to how they see themselves or you.

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